Have you ever seen the movie “Out Of Africa,” starring Meryl Streep and Robert Redford? Well, if not let’s just say that aside from the incredible scenery they used in filming there was one part of the story that really resonated with me. After dinner one night two guests ask Karen to tell them a story, they’ve heard that she’s a wonderful storyteller. She asks them to give her three random words, and she proceeds to weave a spellbinding story with those three things in it.

I’ve always wanted to be able to do that!  I’m still not quick enough to do it out loud as she does in the movie, I have to write it down first.  I have found that with practice;  the writing is a lot of fun to do.  So, be my guest, please ~ have a seat.  Give me three words ~ and let me tell you a story.

My name is Monique.  I write feature articles for The Valdosta Magazine, of Valdosta, Georgia and I like to poke around here on this blog.

NOTE:  All stories are original work by me,  Monique Nagel.  You may not reproduce or use them without my consent.  You may however, link to them in your posts all day long (in fact please do).


118 responses »

  1. Hmmm, let’s try… Ocean, Pine-Cone, glass (is pine cone cheating?)

    Pine-cone works, oh I like these 3…give me a few days I have 3 others from my work-brother to do. lol. Are you going to blog about the puppies? More pics more pics please!


  2. You are a brave woman! I have also always loved that bit of Out of Africa…and wondered if I could do it! Whenever I hear the word, “Formosa” (which, granted, isn’t very often!) I think of her storytelling. Thanks for finding my blog – and I look forward to reading your stories!

    That being said, I suppose I should leave you three words…just in case you need them!

    Formosa, cricket (the bug, not the game), influenza

    Thank you Gretchen, I appreciate your kind words. It may well be later in the week before I can get to your three, but I will get to them. I also do tailored stories by request and have a few of those to do this week. “Formosa!” LOL
    Go for it!


  3. Hi Monique! This is Fidel. Thank you very much for taking time to read my post and leaving comment. I greatly appreciate it. I hope that we can exchange more comments in the future.

    Again, thanks.



  4. What a fabulous blog you have! I love how you can write about the most random words/ideas. I’ll be back soon! And your template is fabulous!

    Leah that is so sweet. I liked yours too! Seeing the cover of Charlotte’s Web brought back so many memories.
    If you would like you can subscribe, then the stories will come to you. I will also list your blog in my blogroll on the front page.
    The template is called “Matala” on wordpress.com and it’s one of their free ones.


  5. Thanks for the “like” on my post. Great idea for a blog. Just watched “Out of Africa” again after returning from Kenya and that storytelling scene really struck me this time.

    It does resonate, doesn’t it? It just seemed, so magical to me. I may have to get my copy out and watch it again too! Thank you for the nice comment 🙂


  6. Quite interesting idea. I may use it as an exercise myself, to coax my toes back into the fiction pond. Thanks for writing.

    It is an excellent trick to combat writer’s block, and it’s a feel good too, because you will surprise yourself 🙂


  7. I discovered your site yesterday, as you visited my blog earlier this week. I came back today, to read all you’ve written. I’m quite impressed. Your pieces have a sense of nostalgia, longing, and sometimes loss and regret. Thanks for sharing your work with us all. I’ll be subscribing.

    You are so very kind. You must stop by the “Friends” page, and add something interesting there. Don’t forget the URL to your blog, so that
    the rest of my subscribers can visit you too!


  8. What an interesting concept for a blog! Thanks for commenting on mine, and I look forward toperusing yours further! I’ve never seen “Out of Africa” but I’d like to check it out on your recommendation 🙂


    • The movie is a grand one. Everything done on a grand scale. The visuals were just astounding. It is kind of a one-sided love story though, but many are I suppose. Thank you so much for subscribing, and remember that we would all love to hear more about you and your blog. Please make sure to add a little bit to the “Friends” page!


  9. What a really cool and creative idea for a blog. It’s a great way to practice writing, indeed. I’d like to take you up on your offer and leave you with three words: doll, stars, blind. No rush. Thank you in advance for my story! =)

    I’m working on your story, sorry to be taking so long but it’s going to be the Halloween special! So it’ll be a few weeks more before I post it 🙂


  10. I might steal your words and do the same exercise. It’s been too long since I’ve done any fiction writing. Would this be uncool, or offensive to you?


    Go for it B! Just make sure to send me a link so I can go look too!


  11. How about – johnny, cash, hurt.

    I’ve been listening to his cover of Nine Inch Nail’s song “Hurt” and would be interesting to see how you can create something different from those three words that have been stuck in my head for days now. Something really short perhaps?

    Okay, here is your really short story with the words you gave me. It may not be what some were expecting but here it is! “Johnny goes to the store”


  12. You have such a unique and inspirational blog!

    You may be interested to know that the movie “The Orphanage” has a scene or two in which the main character creates a story from three words her son gives her. In my opinion, it’s a beautiful movie and worth a watch.

    Monocle.Owl.Lamp. :]


  13. This is such a cool idea! Can I give you a trio of words then? Is that okay?

    I’d love to see what you come up with if I give you ‘troll,’ ‘faerie’ and ‘magical.’

    (I’m on a bit of the fantasy kick right now. 😀 )


  14. Great idea. I enjoy reading the stories you create from the words, you are very creative.

    I think the superb Haiku that you create are much harder Rick!


  15. You made me smile with your reference to Out Africa. What a great inspirational movie it was on so many levels -writing, cinematography.. ‘I once lived on a farm in Africa at the foot of the Ngong Hills’. Every life has a story. An everyone has a story to tell.

    I fell here by way of scribbla, Glad I did so, I will be back.

    It was a good movie wasn’t it! I had forgotten that first line, and it brings the whole thing back. Now that was good writing!


  16. I just have to say that this is an amazing concept, I look forward to reading some of your pieces, congrats on the magazine articles and keep up the good work!

    You are so very kind. I try to post 2-3 pieces a week, and thanks!


  17. Can I suggest the three words? Eeerrrr, I’d go with ‘Indonesia,’ ‘Javanese,’ and ‘Woman.’ I’m curious what you’d wrote with that three words!


  18. What a brave and bold person you are, taking on an experiment like this…or a life-task, better. Thank you for stumbling on Sky Diaries…it gave me a chance to get excited about what you’re doing. More. More!


  19. Great premise for a blog! I look forward to reading more of your stories. I’ll leave you with three words, if you want them. Jovial, taint, pied.

    Thanks for visiting! 😀


  20. Hi Monique! Just wanted to say thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my post. I’m glad you did because it brought me here, and might I say, what an awesome idea! So very clever! Looking forward to reading more. Happy writing!

    I’m so glad you liked it! Thanks for visiting and for the nice comment!


  21. Hi Monique, what an awesome idea! I stopped by as soon as I saw you “liked” my post about Paisley Tines. I may have to take this on as a writing challenge over my winter break or something.

    My three words are fun, love, and swings.

    Welcome Rachel, and go for it! I’m currently about a month behind on the word sets, people have been kind enough to keep them coming and I only get done about two a week. I will give you a shout when I get to yours, and thanks!


  22. Wonderful idea for a blog and great writing practice. Thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment.

    Thank you, I’m so glad you liked it. Thank you in return for commenting, we all know how great it is to know someone else actually read what we wrote! Feel free to subscribe and then post on the “Friends” page, we’d all love to have you!


  23. Amazing idea! And awesome stories… I will read them ALL as soon as I can.

    My three words for you are: “Today I was”.

    P.S. Thank you for looking at my blog 🙂

    Thank you so much Fran, such nice words! As for the word set, I’ll add it to my list. I try to get two stories done a week, so right now I’m about a month behind but I do try to get to them all! Since you’ve subscribed (thank you!) please be sure to stop by the “Friends” page and add a word or two there. When you do, don’t forget rule eleventy-five!


  24. I thought about doing this, only more like improv than story writing. Pretty cool idea. I’ll give you three words: Antidisestablishmentarianism, hemorrhage, and phlebotomy. But I think I’ve figured out your true plan here, your real reason for doing this: you’re stuck in a game of Scrabble


  25. I loved the book ‘Out Of Africa’. There are many wonderful passages within it. I vaguely remember the one that resonated so strongly with you. I love the challenge you’ve taken up but I’m going to give you an even harder challenge, I’ve looked at your stories they are good and clever. How would you go writing one of your three-word pieces into a three-line haiku?

    Let me know if you pull it off

    I’ll take that challenge! It may be a while…but I’ll take that challenge! 😮
    Okay, this one just jumped out at me and I had to tackle it right away. Let me know what you think!


  26. Thanks for visiting!

    Great idea for a blog. I never win the lottery but here goes:

    dyslexic; pollution; marzipan

    Thank you for signing up! Don’t forget to go by the “Friends” page and add a few words there, don’t forget the eleventy-fifth rule!


  27. I love the idea behind your blog, Monique! I read a few of your more recent ones and really enjoyed them. What a wonderful way to stretch your creative muscles, have fun, and share some great writing with others. Cheers!

    You’re very kind, thank you!


  28. What a wonderful idea. I used to use random word generators to give me a few ideas for stories. Have you heard of Fiction Friday? You may not have time for it with your 3 words things, but you might like it. They give you a prompt and you write. I used to love it. I still would if I wasn’t in the middle of a novel.


  29. I love your idea. One of my favorite books is Dan Hurley’s “60-Second Novelist”. It goes back a ways but it’s still in print on amazon: http://www.amazon.com/60-Second-Novelist-People-Taught-About/dp/1558746927/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1318210076&sr=8-1

    I’m going to be doing NaNoWriMo this year. I’ll add a link to your blog on mine, https://chrisdonnermysterywriter.wordpress.com/. I think you have a wonderful blog.


    Thank you Chris, and welcome!


  30. I really enjoyed reading your magical poem. Your idea of 3 words as a fundament to a story or a poem is really inspiring. Keep posting…

    Thank you also for being the first blogger to visit my site and leaving such a wonderful and encouraging comment.

    Here are 3 words from me…hope I get picked in your lottery:

    Serendipity, Renaissance, Monique. 😉

    Best wishes,


    LOL OOOh you little sneak you! Putting my name in there. I think I’ll make myself a dirty, smelly, foul thing in honor of Halloween lol. I’ll get you my pretty!


  31. Woah, hun, you are BRAVE!!! not to mention insanely creative. I mean, making three random words relate? and make sense? wowza! Congrats. I’m so subscribing. like, right now. 😉

    I’m so glad you liked it, stop back for more. I try to do two stories/poems a week. 🙂


  32. Hi Ms. Monique, thanks for your recent comment on my blog. And the arch is still sore, that’s a tender part of the foot, perhaps it takes a little more time to heal (reminds me of that part of one’s heart).

    It’s most creative what you do here. Continue on with flair.

    You are so very kind, and boy do I know what the arch is, mine both collapsed about 12 yrs. ago from working all these years on cement floors. They are most tender and I hope yours heals quickly!


  33. Hi Monique,

    Thanks so much for your “like” on my first attempt at Haiku! I love your blog idea; very imaginative and unique! Here are 3 words and knowing you’re extremely busy, take your time…prevarication, lamp & fastidious…these are random, but I look forward to seeing your creativity! 🙂


  34. Hi Monique,
    Thanks a lot for your feedback on my poem “Mum”, it really was appreciated. Funny how we have the same blog theme … I will read some of your writing as well, it looks like it’s very creative. It must be exciting to be published; I hope I will one day too! 🙂

    Your will sweetie, you will. If I may, some advice…Keep Reading! If you want to write you must read.


  35. Thanks for finding my blog, and because of your supportive comments I thought I’d see what you’re about. I’m so glad I did. I love your brave attempts at crafting a story from 3 words. Keep up the good work!

    So glad you liked it Kate, and thank you so much for subscribing! YAY!


  36. Monique, thanks for stopping in and visiting my blog. Yours is terrific. Um, three words, I have so many stored up. 🙂 harlequin, muskrat and watermelon. Good luck. Sounds like fun.

    Thanks Susan, it has been a lot of fun so far. Everyone has been so supportive. Good words there, I’ll add them to the list!


  37. Hi Monique,

    Thanks for being so kind as to leave a very nice comment on my first blog post here. 🙂 I really enjoyed perusing yours; it’s such a great way to get the creative juices flowing! So, without further ado, here are my three words:

    periwinkle – owl – volcano

    Aha, you’ve picked a subject that I’ve been interested in my entire life, volcanoes. Hmmm. I’ll add your words to the list, thanks Melody!


  38. I love your blog! The whole idea is creative and fun. When I used to teach, toward the end of the school year I would let each student (5th grade) give me a word (15 to 25 students) and I would write them a story using every word, usually something akin to the Dr. Seuss style. It was great fun for everyone and now and then I hear from a student who still has their story! This looks like so much fun that I may borrow it from time to time, that is if you don’t mind. BTW, thanks for stopping by my blog. I appreciate it.

    I would love it if you borrow my fun, you can never have enough fun! I loved your pictures by the way, you really have a way with a camera!


  39. Hi Neeks, I’m aware you already have a Versatile Blogger Award but would’nt you like another one? I have awarded you one so Congrats! You can never have too many I say, dont you think? 🙂 Check it out on my blog:


    Oh Nisha, you made my week, that is so cool! Folks Nisha has a pretty cool blog over there, you should visit! I’ve actually visited two of the blogs you listed, but I will be sure to check the rest out too. Tthank you for the award and the sweet words, you are much too kind!


  40. Thank you for visiting my site. I was surprised to receive a comment so quickly. This blogging stuff is all new to me. I find myself frequently lost and confused. Not unusual, but time-consuming all the same.
    I like your three-word concept. Perhaps I may do the same with poetry when I have more time next month.
    Beautiful format, by the way!
    Thank you, I just happened to be reading this afternoon when I should be doing fourty-eleven other things… when I came across your page. As for the theme, it’s called Matala and it’s one of WordPress’ free ones.


  41. Hi Monique! This is such a neat idea, I LOVE the premise of your blog! After you commented on mine, I clicked on your wordpress and I must say, I’m going to have a lot of fun reading your writing. I love writing too, I’m really happy to meet a fellow writer! Keep it up and best of luck!!

    Thanks Banana, and thanks for subscribing too! I hope you enjoy the stories, it’s a lot of fun to do and it’s a great exercise if you time yourself – to get out of writers block. Give yourself ten minutes and three words and see if you don’t want to keep going!
    For subscribers like you ~ Please stop by the ‘friends’ page and add some comments there. Don’t forget the eleventy-fifth rule!


  42. I wanted to say thank you again for stopping by my blog. Even though I’m so far behind in the blogs I follow, I always try to check out the blog of a new person who stops by and comments on mine. I think the idea of the 3-word story is awesome! It’s quite the undertaking. I remember once we had a neighbour family of ours come for dinner. The power went out and we didn’t know what to do to entertain ourselves. So we all sat in a circle in the living room section of the old log cabin and played that game where you create a story with everyone saying one word and going around in a circle. It was honestly the most fun I had had in a long time. We laughed and laughed and laughed! I even still remember the funniest line from that night. At least, I think it was the funniest because we all laughed so hard!

    “Even though I’m drunk and stinky my Grandfather still flies a plane.” ~ Totally random, but at the time hysterical. Anyway, I was randomly inspired to share that with you. Now I’m going to check out some of your stories!

    What a great story Holly! Family memories are so very strong and have such impact on our lives. If I remember right the game is called “The Telephone.” You get some of the funniest stuff with that, especially when kids are involved! I’m so glad you like the site, I liked yours as well! I hope you enjoy the stories!


  43. This may be my absolutely favourite idea for a blog ever! I hope it’s as fun as it sounds. Ok, now I think I’m jealous, but I’ll get over it 🙂

    Thanks so much for visiting and commenting!

    LOL Rose, give it a go yourself! I’m really glad you like it, and thank you for subscribing!


  44. Awesome blog! Sounds like it would be sooo much fun. I love mixing dissimilar elements. Last spring, I allowed my elementary choir kids to choose a Bible story and a fairy tale to mix. I told them I would take their choices and write a play for them to perform in May. After they brainstormed and voted, we wound up with Rapunzel and the Christmas story. It was so much fun to write and turned out so well! And they did a great job performing it! One of the coolest projects I’ve ever done.

    Wow Amy, what a creative idea!! I’ll bet the kids loved it! Thanks for checking out my blog, I’m glad you liked it 🙂


  45. You’re a genuine writer. Glad to touch base with you.

    You are very kind, but would love to do some research the way you do! Readers you might want to stop by Mr. Lavoie’s blog and take a look at what he did the other day…pretty cool.


  46. Hey, i see you like to write and what I’ve read on your blog is pretty awesome! I must ask, have you ever participated in NaNoWriMo?

    Hi labyrinthium, thank you so much for the compliment. I have not done Nano, all of my work to date has been articles or short stories. I don’t feel 50,000 words in there all at once trying to get out. I have envied for years though, those with the vision to participate. One day!


  47. Hi there Monique! Thanks so much for your comment on my Passion post. I decided to stop by here and pay you a visit, and I must say you’re very infectious! Wonderful work! So I’ll throw a few words at you and hope I make the lottery…..zebra, oil, and supernova.

    Hey I like those words, love anything to do with sci-fi, can’t wait till this one comes up!


  48. Monique. You have been an inspiration to me for all of your life. I remember many of your small poems and early writing, and have always been so proud of you. I hated to see you grow up and become a woman, but now I am even more proud of you and your accomplishments. Your blog is a hallmark of your creative abilities and I love every story you write and read them all. You have done so well in life.

    Now in case your readers haven’t figured it out, Monique is MY Daughter, and I am proud to add this entry to this blog.

    Awwww Dad, you’re the best! The very, very best 🙂


  49. You are a great writer. I love your style! I subscribed and I will be back for more 🙂

    And thanks for stopping by my blog and taking the time to read and comment on my poem “Father”, I really appreciate it!

    Thank you Scriptor, now that you’ve subscribed why don’t you head on over to the “Friends” page and post something there for everyone to read!


  50. I just found your blog today after you stopped by and visited mine. I LOVE your idea and good for you! It is truly unique AND brave and challenging as a writer. Way to stretch yourself and have some fun… allowing everyone else to have a little fun too! Keep it up and if I think of 3 random words, I’ll shoot them your way. 🙂

    ~ Joanna (WiT)

    I can’t wait Joanna, let me know when you’re ready and I’ll add them to the lottery list (there’s only about 10 on there right now)! Why don’t you head on over to the “Friends” page, as a subscriber you are welcome to make a post there, to let everyone know a little bit about yourself!


  51. Limebird Writers have nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award! 😀 – http://limebirduk.wordpress.com/2011/11/23/weve-got-a-liebster-blog-award-huzzah/

    Thank you so much Beth, you folks are awesome over there! (And I do mean over there folks, the limebirdwriters are from England) Anyone wanting some good tips on writing, or for some great blog posts to read, head on over and check them out – yours truly has recently been accepted as a writer for them and I have a grand total of “ONE” post published so far! They’re smokin’hot- http:limebirduk.wordpress.com


  52. Hmmm… I haven’t stumbled upon a blog like yours. Not only is it creative but enjoyable. Keep up the good work!

    Thank you Eva, I hope you stop by again soon!


  53. Pingback: world of danilo

  54. Thanks for visiting me, I’m glad you enjoyed my amateur work!

    Hey I’m a total amateur too! We “ammies” have to stick together! 😮


  55. What a cool idea! I often take a list of random words (7) and write a poem to get the muse going. And I have to use all 7 words. Now I have to tell you, I don’t really write poetry and I’m not really good at it for the most part, but it really gets the words flowing. I’m sometimes surprised by what I come up with. I am no where near brave enough to put it all online though. Kudos to you, you brave soul! 🙂

    Rhonda, I was checking out your blog and I WISH I was in DFW so that I could come to your meetings!


  56. Hi Monique!

    I’m Sallie Lundy-Frommer, author of Yesterday’s Daughter.
    Thank’s so much for taking the time to read my blog post and leave a comment.
    I greatly appreciate it.
    Please visit me again soon…:-)

    Again, thanks.


  57. Hi, Neeks! I want to offer my congratulations — you’ve been nominated for the Versatile Blogger award! Actions to take will be posted on my home page, http://www.diabeticredemption.com, as soon as I complete the notifications. Yay you!!

    I am so very blessed to have such wonderful readers, thank you with all my heart Judith, this is my third Versatile Blogger award and I love it! Just love it! Since I’ve started blogging here on WordPress, I have found the most generous, caring and wonderful people I think I’ve ever met. I am well and truly blessed, thank you!


  58. Hi Neeks, thanks for visiting my blog and a BIG congratulations on The Versatile Blogger Award. 😀 Your ‘three word’ concept totally rocks and I can understand having to move to a lottery system! Three words from me: bungee – herbs – millionaire

    Thanks for the sweet comments snaggle, I love visiting other blogs and seeing all the cool stuff everyone else writes about, congrats on your own Versatile Blogger award!😮


  59. You have a very nice and fun idea. Great! My three words are: secret, heart, christmas,
    Have fun! 🙂

    Can I give you a suggestion? If you got such a big response, why not ask people to give you three words (as now) but just pick one of them? You pick one word from me, one from another and a third word from a third person who suggests? You will covert more people giving you suggestions that way, and it might even be more interesting because these 3 words come from 3 different peopel and might differ a lot??

    Hi Maggie, thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. That might be a good suggestion for me to try next year, if I get more words. It’s definitely interesting. This premise will sooner or later get stale ~ and that might be a great way to inject life back into it. Right now I still like my “Out Of Africa” theme, but I’m going to remember your advice, thanks!


  60. That sounds like a fantastic idea – a very good way to practice writing! Glad you had lots of response with people sending you three words.

    Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment! I do appreciate it 🙂


  61. This is such a unique idea! I’m glad you stopped by my blog today so I could find out about you. Just curious….how long does it take you to write a story from the three words given?

    Well first of all thank you, I’m glad you like the concept! I did enjoy stopping by yours, I have a Yorkie too, he’s such a sweetie.
    As for the stories, you’re a writer too – some of them are done in a half hour – some take several sit-downs over several days. It just depends on how well the juices are flowing, right? I consider myself pretty lucky and to be honest, a little pushed, to get in two stories a week. The holidays put me off a little, and the longer Beaver story. Back to normal now!


  62. This is brilliant. Thanks for stumbling upon my blog – looking forward to being an active reader of yours!

    Thank you! …and I enjoyed stopping by. I like a good read 🙂


  63. Pingback: The 7 X 7 Award! « The Short and the Long of it

  64. OK – I’ve been enjoying your stuff for several months now, and have never bothered to actually submit 3 words. It’s time… Smorgasbord, Cabaret, Lightning.

    Go to town, Neeks! 🙂

    Brian! Really good to hear from you. I’m sorry I haven’t stopped by your blog in so long, but I did remedy that earlier today. We do get caught up don’t we?
    I’m already thinking of ways to come at these words, good words too, I might add.


  65. Monique,

    You are such a creative soul-great work here and I’ve seen your articles in Valdosta Magazine. I’m just learning about blogging, seeing your work makes me think it’s possible to do my own site.

    Believe me, if I can do it anyone can! I would love to read some of your work, and we do need to meet one day soon! I’m so sorry I forgot to answer your email, please forgive me?


  66. Have another Award, on me 🙂

    I have thrown you into my list of versatile bloggers. To see what this means check out my post at:

    Sorry this is a bit short, but there is so much to do.


    Jim I do so appreciate your kindness. It’s a wonderful thing to be recognized and in turn be able to promote others. If you are passing this on, it means that you received it, so Congratulations to you too!


  67. Hey Neeks, first off thank you ever so much for checking out all of my posts from my previous award, it means alot, your comments are always amazing and helpful so thanks, also I just nominated you for ‘The Versatile Blogger Award’ so congratulations and can’t wait to read more of your stuff!
    Check it out here: http://chroniclesofjen.wordpress.com/2012/01/27/one-two-three-awards-for-me/

    I enjoyed the reading 🙂 Thank you for the award!


  68. I stopped by to say thanks for liking my post, and now to add that I love your blog. A couple of years ago I started an online round-robin writing game at http://scriptopus.com, which is also based on writing something inspired by the random nuggets left by others. Delighted to run into someone else thinking along similar lines!

    I can’t leave without leaving you a triad of my own, so: captivate, coffee, starling

    Thank you Stephanie, I’m glad you like the blog! I hope you were able to read a few stories. Great words, I’ll add them to the list. Be sure to stop by and watch for your story!


  69. Pingback: 11 Q&A « susanwritesprecise

  70. Pingback: 11 Q&A | The Blog Farm - A Growing Blog Community

  71. Pingback: Tag You’re It! « Writing: A Conversation Without Interruptions

  72. Pingback: The Versatile Blogger Award! | corey m. p.

  73. hey Monique,

    Rather than reblog your story from TheDarkGlobe with a link to them, I will (with your permission) repost it with a short intro and a link to your blog? What inspired you to write the story?

    xx GnG xx
    Thank you again for your interest and kind comments! I would love it if you reposted and gave a link. As for how I wrote it, the three word thing is the gear I stay in, for the most part. I’ve become conditioned to figuring out a story with that limitation. For the Great Inditonator, the idea came from the three words being so impossibly difficult. Some people tend to think they have to outsmart me and throw in hard words like that – to what end I’m not sure. Does it take away from the fun of it? For me, yes. But I’ll still do the story. If uncommon at all, as these were, I look them up and then wait for inspiration or should I say, “Inditionation” to strike. I thought in this case, who (besides a showoff) would actually use the word “Antidisestablishmentarianism?” From there I decided the word (in my world) shouldn’t be real.


  74. Found you through Limebird, Monique — love the 3-word idea. Looks like it’s gone gonzo for you, which is great.

    Hope I’m not duplicating, but I’ll submit my three: reed, runt, random.

    Hi Luke, no I’ve never had those three before. I do have a pile of words I haven’t gotten to yet, but will put these in the mix! Isn’t Limebird the best? 🙂


  75. First off I would like to say wonderful blog!
    I had a quick question that I’d like to ask if you do not mind. I was interested to know how you center yourself and clear your head prior to writing. I have had a difficult time clearing my mind in getting my thoughts out. I truly do enjoy writing but it just seems like the first 10 to 15 minutes are usually lost just trying to figure out how to begin. Any ideas or hints? Appreciate it!

    I’m glad you liked the blog, thank you. As for motivation to write, I don’t know where it comes from. We all have our little quirks and things we do to make ourselves comfortable enough to write, I suggest you develop yours and stick with them. I have to have a clean house, a calm house, nothing pressing on my time. I sit down with an idea and just work on it until it develops into something I can rewrite and edit, lol.


  76. Hello, Monique. Thanks for leaving the encouraging comments on my blog. 🙂 I’m glad to see someone I remember from NaNoWriMo! 😀

    I know, right? I can hardly remember anyone. I’ve been really bad, you know I haven’t touched my nano novel even ONCE since we finished? I may toss it out and start all over for the coming nano, lol, it’s that bad.


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