Looking Back


Birds, Waffles, Shenanigans

She sits at the kitchen table, almost nine o’clock at night, listening to her 16 yr. old daughter and her boyfriend giggle while they wrestle in the other room. The bedroom door is open, they are just playing, and she could hear them talking and laughing all the while. No shenanigans are being attempted tonight. Just two kids having fun with each other. The television is off, no music either. Just two kids. It makes her remember what it was like, that young love.

A time when you just couldn’t think past when you would get to see him again; how you worried endlessly about your breath for when he wanted to kiss you and just – the possibilities of life.   There was so much to be discovered yet, so you talked for hours on end, about every subject under the sun.   Everything he said made sense and everything you did felt like magic.

She remembered his favorite dinner, enchiladas.  She liked to eat breakfast for supper, and waffles were her favorite breakfast food.   After they married they made enchiladas every Friday night and waffles every Saturday evening.   He would cook up a little extra batter and then the next morning they fed the leftovers to the birds out in the parking lot.   They talked about everything, notable exceptions were politics (she mainly listened) and religion (he didn’t believe in God; she had been too young and stupid to challenge him on that).

She recalled nights under the stars, out on the plastic lounge chairs by the pool at their apartment complex.   It was always so cool to lay there looking up as he tried to show her the constellations.   She never could see a thing, although she always said she did.  To this day the big and little dippers were all she had ever found.   Later he would tell her that she had tunnel vision, and she would respond that he had selective memory and hearing.   They said a lot of things to each other “later.”   But in the early moments, the things they said sounded more like lovely music.   Their words were epic, every day was filled with hugs and their hearts beat as fast as hummingbirds’ wings…back when they were kids.

It’s getting pretty quiet back there.   I’d better go sit in the living room and play with the dog for a few minutes, she thought.  Get closer to her bedroom just like my Mom used to, and make some noise.

“You kids want some popcorn?”

15 responses »

  1. Yay! It’s my words. Honestly when I got the email through I read the first few words and I was like well I love birds, I love waffles and shenanigans is one of my fave words. I clicked through and what a lovely surprise to see it’s because I sent them through.

    Great little piece, I really enjoyed reading it. I will post it up on Limebird now! 🙂

    Awesome Beth, how cool for you to repost! I’m so glad you liked your story, I especially liked the hummingbird hearts part. Isn’t it cool when this stuff just rolls out of you? Too bad it’s only a few sentences here and there, and not a whole books worth! lol


  2. I never know what you will come up with, but it is always fun to read! Heh, when they go quiet…

    I know, right? Hehehe. I guess that serves when they are little ones too.
    When they are quiet keys usually disappear into toilets.


  3. Flash, okay if you say so.

    Now I know what it is am missing from my being. Memories of a childhood sweetheart. Oh the pain of growing up as an enigma. At least now I can live vicariously by way of your stories. Don’t ya just love the word ‘shenanigans’? Okay, maybe not, but I do. In this scenario , a made-up word comes to mind -sheanboigans (she.an.boi.gans).

    As for ‘Keys in toilet’ comment, I’ve been told Cell phones are the going concern now a days for toddlers. Much smarter then they appear to be, I think.

    I’m not that well-versed on these things, is the piece too long for flash? Not sure. Your made-up word reminds me of Sheboygan, WI.
    Awww, no high school sweetie? No pin up posters or favorite movie stars to swoon over? That was young love too, if unrequited.
    You’re right too, cellphones would be the next generation’s keys!


    • Well maybe one. I did have a crush on Miss Hicks, my grade one teacher. I was so smitten with her I repeated Grad One -that’s my story and am sticking with it.

      Oooooooooh yaaaaaaaaaah (said with accent of Sheriff Marge from the film ‘Fargo’. I wonder what Shenanigans go on in Sheboygan, Wisconsin.

      LOL, you’re a card!


    • No clue about about flash fiction either. I just read shtufffs, I don’t think about where it falls in terms of style or the likes of. What I meant was, it didn’t read as fiction. I guess that is the beauty of your story. Hats off to you.

      Well, part of it of course is true, the fact that I had a first love…sure. The rest of it is made up 🙂 We did live in an apartment with a pool at one time…lol


  4. Oh, such good memories! I didn’t meet my sweetheart until I was 21, but you’ve written so well what those first weeks and months together are. We need those reminders, I think, when kids and life and stress make us forget what magic we are to each other. Thanks for the reminder, Neeks! Beautiful post, as always 🙂

    Thanks Desi, maybe I should put ‘young love’ on the feel good list 🙂


  5. Your writing is so full of sensory experiences and details. You create a memory I didn’t have but now do. That’s pretty amazing!

    You have a new subscriber. 🙂

    I’m so glad to have you Lorna! Please stop by the “Friends” page and add some info about yourself, and don’t forget the eleventy-fifth rule! 🙂


  6. I like your writing a lot. It makes me feel as if I am “there.”


    I’m so glad you liked the story, and thank you for the subscription! Make sure to stop by the “Friends” page and add some info about yourself, so that the rest of my readers can visit your site too! Don’t forget the eleventy-fifth rule 🙂


  7. There’s something terribly sad about this.

    I know it, there can be. I married that first true love, and after years that relationship fell apart, as some will do. Instead of being self-righteous about it (look what he did, look what she did) we have decided to remain friends and remember the good times with love. Yes there were bad times, but I take my full share of responsibility in that.


  8. I really enjoyed this. It’s hard not to get into someone reminiscing about past love. And smart but not overly intrusive parents – probably most of them – are fascinating. Great job!

    Thank you so much, I’m glad you liked it!


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